3 Horn Originals
Trumpet/Flugel, Alto/Tenor/Soprano Saxes & Flute, Trombone, Keyboard, Guitar, Bass, Drums
AKHpuppy Example
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Half Note = 104 Fast Swing 
Up swing, what could be better. The horns jumping in and out of unison take the lead as the rhythm section makes room.
The bridge is reminiscent of a big band kicking along as the piano solos. Horns play the melody again leading up to
the sax solo break. A short drum solo leading up to the horns and guitar playing the melody tutti. The rhythm section
joins in leading up to the bridge. Out of the bridge into the "shout chorus." The band kicks, the key changes and then
the band kicks some more until the end.
And Daisy Makes 5 Example
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Quarter Note = 83 Bossa-ish 
A pretty melody that is played individually by each of the horns and the guitar before the tune ends. As the melody stays
the same, the groove underneath changes. Starting with the trombone playing over a mellow Bossa beat. The horns play give and
go with the melody leading up to the bridge. The alto sax takes the lead on the bridge. The guitar plays the melody in the
background as the piano ad-libs. It gets funky as the sax starts soloing. The next section features the trumpet with harmon
playing the rubato melody with only the guitar. The soprano and synth play the melody with the guitar. Once again, it gets
funky under the soprano (alto) sax solo before the band revs up for the ending. Unison horns as the rhythm section plays a
rhythmic figure with drum fills. Trumpet up to a long held high E (written) while sax, trombone and rhythm section play a
couple hits.
Annie Speaks Example
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Quarter Note = 68 Easy pop-funk 
Pretty flugel melody feature, only a short ad-lib at end vamp. Alto plays the interlude melody. Many parts of the song the alto,
trombone and rhythm section are playing tutti under the flugel lead.
Arizona Bound Example
Quarter Note = 72 Smooth Funk 
Slow easy funk. Tenor melody, flugel and trombone play backgrouns the 2nd X. Trombone melody solo starts the bridge, tenor takes
over as the band has a couple tutti rhythmic breaks. Tenor melody on the second part of the bridge. Tenor solo starts over a soft
unison flugel & trombone line. Open solos. Key change, unison horns play the melody. Tenor and trombone start the bridge melody
until the tenor plays the lead over the tutti figures. A little more unison melody until the song fades and ends.
Bone Specialist
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Quarter Note = 84 Easy Funk 
Trombone feature. Song starts and ends with a couple chords with fematas with ad-lib trombone. Bridge has a tricky trombone
& tenor melody. Open trombone solo. DS Coda
Camille's Cookin Example
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Quarter Note = 97 Funky 
Horns horns and more horns. The song starts out with the horns playing the melody acapella for the first 4 measures, the
rhythm joins for the second 4. On the bridge the rhythm section plays tutti rhythmic figures as the horns play a line over
the top. A repeat of the [A] section before the Open Solos. A little tricky section during each solo where the band plays
and holds a couple chords directed by the soloist. Short drum solo before the acapella horn soli. Key change for the [A]
section and bridge. A blow for the horns.
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Quarter Note = 68 Ballad 
Pretty ballad featuring the flugelhorn. The song starts rubato with the piano following the flugel melody. The band comes in
for the second 8. The flugel melody continues on the bridge. The tenor takes the melody on the last [A] until the flugel
plays the last few notes before the flugel ad-lib. Trombone plays the melody on the Interlude before the flugel comes in on
the lead. Rubato flugel with piano again, back into tempo to the end.
Chop Check Example
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Quarter Note = 86 Funk ala Tower of Power. 
It starts with a funky guitar rhythm to set the groove, the tutti "chop check" figure leading into the rhythm section joining the groove.
The horns play the funk melody together. The bridge is a half-time feel starting with the trombone, ending with the horns playing together.
The horns together on the [A] section leading into a few chords directed by tenor soloist. The tenor sets tempo into the open tenor solo
sections. "Chop check" into the guitar solo sections. Back to the melody, a key change into the ending. (Chop Check = Years ago I spent
a short time on the road with the Temptations playing trumpet, this was the ending lick of the show after a long, high and loud vamp. It
became the horn players joke, grab the horns and yell chop check and see who can play it.)
Quarter Note = 108 Med. Swing
Trombone feature, written for Bill Watrous. Acapella Trombone starts the tune and sets the tempo. Lots of dominant 7 chords.
Trombone open solo over F blues, open solos over Bb blues.
Cottonwood Station Example
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Quarter Note = 84 Laid Back In The Pocket Funk 
Gmi7-C9. Soprano feature. Flugel & trombone background to soprano melody. Trumpet w/Harmon mute on bridge. switch back to flugel. More soprano melody.
Soprano & guitar melody before open soprano solo. More soprano melody. Soprano ad-lib over unison flugel & trombone.
Crazy Notes
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Quarter Note = 82 Rockish Funk 
Lot of 8ths for the rhythm section, lots of 16ths for the horns. Horns play together on the melody. The sax & guitar get together
for a few notes on the bridge. Sax & synth play the interlude leading into the synth solo. The synth solo starts over tutti band
figures. Another couple breaks & tutti figures under the synth solo. A low unison background for the synth solo, another couple
breaks and the solo is over. An exciting horn soli (high fast & loud). More notes till the end. Lots of notes.
Double Gulpin'
Half Note = 92 Swing, Quarter Note = 92 easy funk 16ths 
12 measure intro up swing, the rhythm plays stop time as the horns plays in between the hits. Half note = Quarter notes, 4 measures of the new groove.
The alto starts the melody, plays lead when the trumpet & trombone join in. Alto finishes the melody by himself. The 4 measure phrase. The horns
harmonized for the second [A] section. The horns stay together for the beginning of the bridge, the trombone has solo melody to finish the bridge,
the 4 measure phrase. Open solos, each solo gets the 4 measure phrase. The guitar plays the original melody, the trombone joins in until the 4 measure
phrase. The horns have an interesting soli, a few measures for ad-lib trombone. The alto plays the melody, the trombone finishes the melody before the
4 measure phrase. The phrase repeats, 4 measures of a horn soli followed by 4 measures of a horn solo.
Quarter Note = 62 Bluesy Funk 
4 measure intro with tenor & trombone sets the groove. Horns play bluesy 16th note melody over altered blues. Intro. Bridge goes
through the circle of 4ths with the horns hitting a few kicks as the piano, guitar and bass play together. Intro. Repeat. The second
time 4 measures of unison horns over rhythm section tutti hits. Open for solos over D blues. Pretty trombone melody on the interlude
before a DS. Coda like intro with a couple measure ending.
Ella's Doggie
Quarter Note = 96 Funkish-Rock 
Funk with a slight rock feel. Guitar & sax 16th note melody, trumpet and trombone backgrounds 2nd X. Bridge features the trumpet,
the high trumpet (F#) with the alto and trombone supporting his melody. Alto and guitar melody again before the keyboard & guitar
unison (16ths) interlude. A repeating/crescendoing tutti figure gives the drummer space tio solo. Open solos. The trumpet gets to
play the bridge one more time. Horns play a different melody on the interlude into the key change. Horns play the starting melody
together, a few more trumpet high notes.
Extreme Wattage
Half Note = 102 Latin with a bit of funkyness. 
Marimba starts the tune, Bass (8vb marimba) joins on the 5th measure, drums on the 9th. Harmon trumpet and soprano sax take the melody the 1st time,
the last 8 measure of the melody is played by the trombone and guitar. 2nd time add trombone to the trumpet and soprano. Samba feel for the bridge,
the melody jumps around the horns. All the horns together on the [A] section leading up to the open solos section. The solo section is over the form
of the tune complete with groove feel change. The end of each solo a little interlude with the rhythm section playing in unison and the horns mostly
in unison. Drum solo. Guitar & trombone start the melody after the drums with the trumpet and soprano filling the empty spaces. Horns all together
on the bridge (Samba). The horns stay together for the last [A] section, until the soprano and guitar take over. The same interlude ending each solo
with a couple extra measures of notes to end the tune.
Feedin' The Cat
Quarter Note = 80 Funky 
A short intro before 4 measures to set up the groove. A melodic Alto Sax melody, trumpet and trombone unison background 2nd X.
Groove gets a little funkier, all 3 horns unison. More alto sax melody, background 2nd X. A short horn soli, lots of 16ths.
Sax & Keyboard open solos. More of the funkier alto melody. Some busy horn solis, alto plays the bridge melody, a repeat
for the alto to ad-lib over. Ending.
Fiddle Faddle That
Note = 86 Funky 
This interesting tune features trombone. Starts with trombone noodling, trombone sets tempo for the acapella horn intro.
The horns play together as the rhythm section plays hits, reminiscent of 70's classical rock. The rhythm section gets
their groove on and the horns keep blowin'. Back to the classical rock groove. The groove changes to a more open feel.
The trombone takes the [A] melody, ledger lines. Trombone plays the bridge melody and plays with the other horns. All
the horns play the melody with trombone ad-lib fills. Trombone ad-lib. A short horn soli leading into the [A] trombone
melody. Trombone plays more melody, with and without ad-lib fills.
Not for the squeamish trombone player!
Funk In A Different Key
Quarter Note = 90 Funky 
The horns play a four measure phrase interspersed between a 4 measure "E" funk groove each time in a different key. Each
time playing more of the total phrase, the last time played the horns play the complete phrase. Each "E" section is a
different soloist. After all the solos are over, the 3 horns join together for the complete phrase. A short bridge which
plays the complete phrase. More of showcase for soloists.
Funkfully Mine
Quarter Note = 124 Funky Boogaloo 
After a brief 5 second band noodle and a hit on beat 1, the song starts with bass and horns playing together. The bass has a
lot of notes by himself (band break) throughout the tune and a lot of notes with the horns. The main melody starts with the
tenor sax and trombone. The 3 horns together on the bridge as the bass has fills. Open solos. Bass and horns once again play
the melody while the piano/gtr/drums play stop-time. Guitar solo. Key change with the horns and bass only, a couple more measures to the end.
Funkyfully Yours
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Quarter Note = 124 Funky 
The song is made up of 6 measure phrases. Bass starts out acapella, the next 6 measures the guitar joins. Another six measures
the drums & organ join in. The 3 horns play the melody over the next two 6 measure phrases. The bridge has a couple tricky spots.
Coming out of the bridge the trumpet starts soloing, then the trumpet solos over "bass only" for 6 measures before the guitar
joins in, etc. A 6 measure alto and trombone soli. Guitar solos over a more traditional 4 measure phrase, a second 4 measure
phrase with horn backgrounds. An 8 measure phrase with rhythm section stop-time as the horns play in the empty space leading
into a key change. A 6 measure phrase with the 3 horns all playing. 4 measure phrase alto solo. Short shout section to the end.
Funkin' In Altadena
Quarter Note = 152 Rockish Funk 8ths 
The groove is a rhythmic/chordal 4 measure pattern (with the 4th measure being a 5/4 measure) that repeats throughout the piece.
Trombone & guitar team up on the melody with backgrounds the 2nd X. Bluesy bridge with all 3 horns together. Open solos. A funky
interlude after the solos before going back to the original groove and melody. A short repeat with the horns screaming to the end.
Funky Monkey Business Example
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Quarter Note = 53 Fusion Funk 16ths 
Starts with bass and guitar (+drums) playing the bass line together. The 2nd time the keyboard enters with a written figure. The 3rd X the horns enter. Lots of 16th notes with
some occasional outside voicings. The bridge gets even busier for the horns, the trombone has an optional alternate part. Another [A] section with all the horns. Open solos.
Each solo is concert Dmi blues(ish) and includes both a funky repeated section and a double X swing feel repeated section. Bridge like before. [A] section with a few
changes and an ending. A challenge for the horns.
Gracie & Brother
Quarter Note = 78 Rockish 16ths 
Horns and Bass play the first 4 measures by themselves. The rest of the rhythm section enters. The second eight is kinda the opposite of the first eight where the horns
play the tutti figure and the rhythm section fill the empty space. The bridge takes on a 70's classical-rock feel. Another 8 measures of the melody before the Open Solos.
Drum solo. 6/4, the drums start the pattern and each instrument joins in one at a time. Back to 4/4 to get ready for the bridge. Trombone solo. Key Change. A variation
of the 8 measure melody. Trombone solo vamp. Ending tutti figure.
Holding You Near Me
Quarter Note = 78 Smooth Jazz
Very catchy melody that features flugel, highest note A. Flugel plays the melody, on the repeat the tenor and trombone
play backgrounds. On the bridge the 3 horns play together with the flugel taking the lead. Flugel plays the melody on
the [A] section. Open solos on Imaj7-IImi7-V7. All 3 horns together for the bridge. Tenor and trombone play the melody
as the flugel ad-libs over them. Flugel plays the lead the 2nd half of the melody. Repeat ad-lib for flugel and short
ending. A hit waiting for the right band.
Julia, The 6th & Final 1 Example
Quarter Note = 80 Funk 16ths 
A little bit like 70's classical-rock. 2 measure phrase that repeats throughout song. Rhythm play tutti, horns play busy line over
rhythm section. Trombone & guitar play the melody on the bridge. The next [A] although same chords/form, has a different melody. 2
measure phrase. Breckerish interlude with alto sax and guitar. Open solos. 2 measure phrase. Another [A] and [B]. 2 measure phrase.
[A] with a different melody. Alto sax solos over vamp at end. Not for the note squeamish.
Jumpin' Frank Flash
Quarter Note = 200 Bluesy shuffle 
Altered 12 bar blues. Tenor and trombone take the first shot at the melody, the 2nd time the trumpet has hits with the keyboard and guitar.
The bridge is a trumpet solo. Back to the [A] melody with the tenor and trombone together.Tenor break, open C blues tenor solo. Another
tenor break into the last 8 of his solo. Tenor & trombone soli with some 3 horn notes after the sax solo into the A section. Bridge
this time is a tenor solo. [A] section. Key change into the horn soli followed by another key change for the shout chorus and ending.
A bit of a blow at the end for the horns.
Kidlettes Revenge
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Quarter Note = 70 Funky, 16ths 
Even the intro is hard on this song. Accapella horns set the groove followed by the rhythm section. Bass busy 16th feel.
Busy 16th note melody for the 3 horns, even more notes the 2nd X. Trombone starts the melodic bridge, trumpet and sax join in.
The 3 horns repeat the [A] section with some additional notes. Open solos, tricky endings. (1st ending more same soloist, 2nd
ending going on to new soloist, 3rd ending going on.) A few notes into a rubato section with trombone melody lead. Trombone
ad-lib. All 3 horns together for the [A] section. Guitar starts the melody on the bridge. Sax solo vamp until an ending like the intro.
A lot of notes for everyone!
Little Hood On Da Prairie
Note = 103 Funk 16ths 
Intro is the groove, featuring a busy 16th scratch guitar part. Tenor and trombone play the [A] melody 16th notes in unison.
All 3 horns play the bridge in harmony. The interlude incorporates a slight latin feel while the trombone plays melody solo.
The next [A] melody is played by the tenor and guitar, the trumpet and trombone helping out. Sax solo break leading into
Open Solos in a new key. The solo section includes the latin feel section. Back to the original key for the [A] melody,
the 3 horns switching between unison and harmony. Tenor and trombone play the latinesque bridge leading to the ending.
A short ending in a different key. Although a lot of 16th notes in the melody, most of them are a pattern.
Lulu Leanne
Quarter Note = 94 Popish-latin 16ths 
4 measure rubato into (flute) leads into the tempo starting with the trombone melody, flugel and alto play background the 2nd X.
Flugel & alto play together on the bridge. All 3 horns harmonized on the [A] melody with some extra notes. Open solos start with
trombone and end with alto. Horn soli over stop-time rhythm section. Alto sax ad-lib. [A] [B] a few extra notes and end.
Miho From Kyoto
Quarter Note = 89 Funk Swing 16ths 
2 measure groove. The horns play the bluesy 16th note melody together, the trombone ending the phrase. Alto plays the bridge solo and
lead before the horns play together again for the [A] melody. Open solos. After the long solo section the horns play [A] while the drums
lay out and the other rhythm section guys have some notes to play. Alto again plays the bridge. Key change. The horns together again
for the [A] melody and some extra measures. Guitar fill over the 2 measure phrase, rhythm section rests for the next 4 measures as the
horns play acapella. 2 measure sax fill, 2 measures keyboard fill, 2 measures acapella horns, 2 measures guitar fill, ending.
Mt. Wilson At Sunset
Quarter Note = 80 Ballad 
After the intro, the flugel plays the melody with the piano playing a 16th pattern in time. The band sneaks in until the full
band is playing the 2nd time. Tenor & trombone play the bridge together. Trumpet solo. Back to the bridge with the tenor & trombone,
the trumpet ends the tune with the melody and solos over the ending vamp.
My Leg Hurts Really Really Bad
Quarter Note = 57 
I imagined the drums being electronic, almost hypnotic. The tenor playing the melody by himself. THe band plays the
melody together with the bass having fills in the spaces. Trombone plays the bridge. Tenor solo.
Phat Sushi Example
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Quarter Note = 82 Funky 
Starts with funky guitar comping. Horns play the melody together with the alto & trombone playing the fills together. Horns play the bridge with the rhythm
section playing the hits. Sax solos into open solos. Horns play the melody and bridge again before changing keys for a sax solo vamp and ending.
Reseda Fire Road
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Quarter Note = 80 Semi-Smooth Funk 
The song starts with the 3 horns and bass playing as a 4th horn playing the intro. The guitar plays the melody, the second A the alto
joins the guitar. The horns get together for the bridge and next A section leading into the interlude, played by the alto and guitar.
Guitar solo, alto solo. Sax and trombone play a melodic soli setting up the bridge. Much like the first bridge with a couple different
notes. This song is a nice melodic jam.
Samba D' Elena Example
Half Note = 102 Samba 
After a short repeat where the 3 horns ad-lib, the melody starts with the tenor and trombone, the 2nd X the harmon trumpet
plays backgrounds with the guitar. Flugel plays the melody on the bridge while the tenor and trombone play background figures.
The 3 horns play the [A] together, in and out of harmony. Open solos over the form of the tune. The 3 horns together on the
bridge. The horns stay together on the [A] melody. Short vamp at the end with the 3 horns ad-libing. Short horn acapella ending.
Show Theme Example
Quarter Note = 112 Easy Smooth Jazzish 
8th note feel. A teev theme song waiting for the right show. Alto plays some melody and solos. A few key changes to the end. Easy to play.
Sneakin' Out Of Camarillo
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Quarter Note = 72 70's Funk 
Very loosely based on Charlie Parkers "Relaxin @ Camarillo." C Blues. The song starts with the rhythm section having tutti hits while
the horns fill the space. A couple measures to set the groove and it's off to the melody. Tenor and guitar play the melody together,
the 2ndX the trumpet and trombone join together for the background. The trombone and guitar play the melody on the bridge. The 3
horns combine for the melody leading to the open C blues solo, the keyboard takes the last solo and gets to solo over the bridge
chords. Another section of tutti rhythm section as the horns play in the empty space. Back to the first melody with the tenor &
guitar while the trumpet and trombone play the background. A little bit of the intro and the song ends on a high note.
Sorry Scotty
Quarter Note = 80 
This song is a little different in that there is no repeating of the melody, each measure (except the ad-lib section)
is a measure of new melody. The song starts with the alto sax playing a rubato-ish melody with the piano. The trumpet
& trombone join in and it's on. The solo clavinet changes the groove. The rhythm section gets a good groove going to
set up the alto ad-lib. A short horn soli before another change of groove, key and new melody. Rhythm section tutti
figures with horn fills. More horn notes until the end.
Stealin' My Money Example
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Quarter Note = 152 Rockish funk St. 8ths 
Good rock groove, lots of tutti unison figures for the rhythm section. The bass starts the song, 2nd X the guitar comes in. 3rdX the rest of
the band joins in. After 4 measures of the groove the horns start the melody in unison, which doesn't last long. A couple tutti figures making
space for a rhythm section unison tutti. Repeat. Horns in octaves for the bridge. Open solos. After the solos is a rockin' horn soli.
[A][B] Ending.
Still Chop Checkin' Example
Quarter Note = 86 Funky 16ths 
Funk in 3. Bass starts the pattern off, horns join in, guitar & drums, and finally the band all together. G13-C9 groove is established.
Horns play together. The groove changes for the trombone melody and ad-lib. As the trombone noodles, the bass starts the intro riff again leading
to the open solos. Sax solo last, on cue goes on soloing over different changes. Melody to the ending vamp sax solo. The rhythm section
fades out as sax keeps wailing. Sax open cadenza. Band tutti figure for the ending.
Sushi Man, Siva Man Example
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Quarter Note = 84 Funk in 3 
Bass starts the pattern off, horns join in, guitar & drums, and finally the band all together. G13-C9 groove is established.
Horns play together. The groove changes for the trombone melody and ad-lib. As the trombone noodles, the bass starts the intro
riff again leading to the open solos. Sax solo last, on cue goes on soloing over different changes. Melody to the ending vamp
sax solo. The rhythm section fades out as sax keeps wailing. Sax open cadenza. Band tutti figure for the ending.
The Sushi Don
Quarter Note = 76 Smooth Funk 
Trombone plays the melody, flugel & alto play backgrounds the 2ndX. The bridge is split between trombone solos and flugel/alto.
The flugel and alto play the melody in unison as the trombone fills over and around the melody. More trombone melody before the
ad-lib solo. Trombone and Piano solo. Trombone takes the interlude melody again. Horn soli, horn soli with tutti rhythm section.
Trombone ad-lib repeat ending.
Quite the workout for Trombone.
Theme From Dr. Hip
Quarter Note = 98 Funky 8th note feel 
Trumpet & alto melody, trombone & guitar start the bridge. The 3 horns play the last [A] before the Open solos, sax solos last and
continues on to the bridge. Finger-busting Breckerish interlude before returning to the head played by the alto and guitar.
Horns join up for the bridge to the key change for the ending.
Tutoring Tyler
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Quarter Note = 96 Busy Funk 
Rhythm section only for the intro. The Tenor and trombone take the first 8. The trumpet joins in the second 8. The rhythm section
plays a unison figure as the horns play above them. Another 8 measures with all the horns together. Open solos, guitar solo
last so he can solo over the bridge chords/groove. Rhythm section tutti rhythmic figures under the horn soli, lots of notes
horn soli. Tenor solo over the bridge chords/groove. All the horns for the last 8, bass and horns play a lick to set up the ending.
Wax On, Wax Off
Quarter Note = 108 Pop Funk Smooth Jazz 8ths 
Starts with trumpet melody solo. Alto & trombone cover the bridge, with a short trombone melody solo. All 3 horns together.
Trumpet melody again leading to the Open solos. Horns together again before the trumpet plays the final melody by himself.
Key change for sax solo over vamp before 2 measure tutti band figure ending.
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out
Quarter Note = 112 Popish Smooth Jazz 8ths 
Trumpet melody, alto and trombone have background figures 2ndX only. The trumpet plays the melody on the bridge, for a couple
measures he plays lead with the other horns. After the bridge the horns play the melody together until the Open solos.
Horns play the melody harmonized, alto plays half the bridge, trombone gets a couple measures melody before the trumpet
finishes the phrase. Back to the horns for the final melody and the horn soli. Optional screaming guitar solo until the end.
You're Burnin' Man
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Half Note = 94 Samba 
Starts with guitar, flute and trumpet with harmon playing the melody. Flute switches to Alto sax and plays the melody
with the guitar. Tutti sections with drums fills. Open solos. Extra measure added as pickup to tutti horns. Again
guitar plays with the alto sax.
6 Horn Originals
2 Trumpets (Flugels), Alto Sax (Soprano Sax/Flute), Tenor Sax (Soprano Sax/Flute), Trombone, Bari Sax (Flute), Piano, Guitar, Bass, Drums
Half Note = 104 Fast Swing 
Up swing, what could be better. The horns jumping in and out of unison take the lead as the rhythm section makes room with
stop-time. The bridge is reminiscent of a big band kicking along as the piano solos. Horns play the melody again leading
up to the sax solo break. Tenor solo, changes also on other horn parts.A short drum solo leading up to the horns playing
the melody tutti. The rhythm section joins in leading up to the bridge. Out of the bridge into the "shout chorus." The
band kicks, the key changes and then the band kicks some more until the end.
And Daisy Makes 5
Quarter Note = 83 Bossa-ish, Samba-ish 
A pretty melody that is played individually by each of the horns and the guitar before the tune ends. As the melody stays the same,
the groove underneath changes. Starting with the trombone playing over a mellow Bossa beat. The horns play give and go with the
melody leading up to the bridge. The alto sax takes the lead on the bridge over the other saxes and trombone. The guitar plays
the melody in the background as the piano ad-libs. It gets funky as the alto sax starts soloing. The next section features the
trumpets with harmon playing the rubato melody with only the guitar. The soprano (alto) and synth play the melody with the guitar.
Once again, it gets funky under the soprano sax solo before the band revs up for the ending. Unison horns as the rhythm section
plays a rhythmic figure with drum fills. Trumpet up to a long held high E (written) while horns and rhythm section play a couple hits.
Annie Speaks
Quarter Note = 68 Easy pop-funk 
Pretty flugel melody feature, only a short ad-lib at end vamp. Flugel melody over the other 5 horns
acapella. Alto plays the interlude melody. Many parts of the song the band is playing tutti under the flugel lead.
Bone Specialist
Quarter Note = 84 Easy Funk 
Trombone feature. Song starts and ends with a couple chords with fematas with ad-lib trombone. Bridge has a tricky
trombone & tenor melody. Open trombone solo. DS Coda.
Camille's Cookin'
Quarter Note = 97 Funky 
Horns horns and more horns. The song starts out with the horns playing the melody acapella for the first 4 measures,
the rhythm joins for the second 4. On the bridge the rhythm section and saxes plays tutti rhythmic figures as the
trumpets play a line over the top. A repeat of the [A] section before the Open Solos. A little tricky section during
each solo where the band plays and holds a couple chords directed by the soloist. Short drum solo before the acapella
horn soli. Key change for the [A] section and bridge. A blow for the horns.
Quarter Note = 68 Ballad 
Pretty ballad featuring the flugelhorn. The song starts rubato with the piano following the flugel melody.
The band comes in for the second 8. The flugel melody continues on the bridge. The tenor takes the melody on
the last [A] until the flugel plays the last few notes before the flugel ad-lib. Trombone plays the melody on
the Interlude before the flugel comes in on the lead. Rubato flugel with piano again, back into tempo to the end.
Chop Check
Quarter Note = 86 Funk ala Tower of Power. 
It starts with a funky guitar rhythm to set the groove, the tutti "chop check" figure leading into
the rhythm section joining the groove. The alto, tenor and trombone play the funk melody together,
the other horns joining in on background figures. The bridge is a half-time feel starting with the
trombone, ending with the horns playing together. The horns like before on the [A] section leading
into a few chords directed by tenor soloist. The tenor sets tempo into the open tenor solo sections.
"Chop check" into the guitar solo sections. Back to the melody, a key change into the ending where
all the horns play the melody together.
Quarter Note = 108 Med. Swing 
Trombone feature, written for Bill Watrous. Acapella Trombone starts the tune and sets the tempo. Lots of dominant 7
chords. Trombone open solo over F blues, open solos over Bb blues.
Cottonwood Station
Quarter Note = 84 Laid Back In The Pocket Funk 
Gmi7-C9. Soprano (alto) feature. Flugels & trombone background to soprano melody. Trumpets w/Harmon mute on bridge, switch
back to flugel. More soprano melody. Soprano, trumpet 2 & guitar melody before open soprano solo. More soprano melody.
Soprano ad-lib over unison flugels.
Quarter Note = 62 Bluesy Funk 
4 measure intro with the tenor and the trombone sets the groove. Trumpet, alto and tenor play bluesy 16th note melody
over altered blues with the other horns horns playing some background punches. Intro. Bridge goes through the circle of
4ths with the brass hitting a few kicks as the saxes play together. Intro. Repeat. The second time 4 measures of unison
alto and tenor over tutti hits by the rest of the band. Open for solos over D blues. Pretty trombone melody with a few
harmony notes from the tenor on the interlude before a DS. Coda like intro with a couple measure ending.
Extreme Wattage
Half Note = 102 Latin with a bit of funkyness 
Marimba starts the tune, Bass (8vb marimba) joins on the 5th measure, drums on the 9th. Harmon trumpet and soprano
sax take the melody the 1st time. guitar. 2nd time background horns. Samba feel for the bridge, the melody jumps
around the horns. All the horns together on the [A] section leading up to the open solos section. The solo section
is over the form of the tune complete with groove feel change. The end of each solo a little interlude with the alto,
tenor and keyboard playing in unison and the other horns some background hits. All 6 horns start the melody with the 2
trumpets and soprano filling the empty spaces. The same interlude ending each solo with a couple extra measures
of notes to end the tune.
Funkfully Yours
Quarter Note = 124 Funky 
The song is made up of 6 measure phrases. Bass starts out acapella, the next 6 measures the guitar joins.
Another six measures the drums & organ join in. All the horns play the melody over the next two 6 measure phrases.
The bridge has a couple tricky spots. Coming out of the bridge the trumpet starts soloing, then the trumpet
solos over "bass only" for 6 measures before the guitar joins in, etc. After the trumpet solo a 6 measure alto,
tenor and trombone soli. Guitar solos over a more traditional 4 measure phrase, a second 4 measure phrase with
horn backgrounds. An 8 measure phrase with rhythm section stop-time as the unison horns play in the empty space
leading into a key change. A 6 measure phrase with all the horns. 4 measure phrase tenor solo. Short shout
section to the end.
Funky Monkey Business
Quarter Note = 53 Fusion Funk 16ths 
Starts with bass and guitar (+drums) playing the bass line together. The 2nd time the trumpet, tenor, trombone, bari
and keyboard enter. The 3rd X the trumpet and alto enter. Lots of 16th notes with some occasional outside voicings.
The bridge gets even busier for the trumpet and alto, the other horns join in the end of the phrase. Another [A]
section like before. Open solos. Each solo is concert Dmi blues(ish) and includes both a funky repeated section and
a double X swing feel repeated section. Bridge like before. [A] section with a few changes and an ending. A
challenge for the 2 horns
Jumpin' Frank Flash
Quarter Note = 200 Bluesy shuffle 
Altered 12 bar blues. The saxes take the first shot at the melody, the 2nd time the brass has hits with the keyboard.
The bridge is a trumpet solo with some background figures. Back to the [A] melody like before. Tenor break, open C
blues tenor solo. Another tenor break into the last 8 of his solo. Sax soli with some brass notes after the sax
solo into the A section like before. Bridge this time is a tenor solo. [A] section. Key change into the horn soli
followed by another key change for the shout chorus and ending. A bit of a blow at the end for the horns.
Phat Sushi
Quarter Note = 82 Funky 
Starts with funky guitar comping. Horns play the melody together with the alto & trombone playing the
fills together. Horns play the bridge with the rhythm section playing the hits. Sax solos into open solos.
Horns play the melody and bridge again before changing keys for a sax solo vamp and ending.
Reseda Fire Road
Quarter Note = 80 Semi-Funky 
The song starts with the 3 horns and bass playing as a 4th horn playing the intro. The guitar plays the
melody, the second A the alto joins the guitar. The horns get together for the bridge and next A section
leading into the interlude, played by the alto and guitar. Guitar solo, alto solo. Alto, Tenor and trombone
play a melodic soli setting up the bridge. Much like the first bridge with a couple different notes.
This song is a nice melodic jam.
Samba D' Elena
Half Note = 102 Samba 
After a short repeat where the 3 horns ad-lib, the melody starts with the tenor and trombone, the 2nd X the harmon
trumpets and flute (alto) plays backgrounds with the guitar. Saxes plays the melody on the bridge while the flugels
play background figures. The 3 horns play the [A] together, in and out of harmony. Open solos over the form of the
tune. The saxes together on the bridge. The horns stay together on the [A] melody. Short vamp at the end with the
3 horns ad-libing. Short horn acapella ending.
Stealin' My Money
Quarter Note = 152 Rockish funk St. 8ths 
Good rock groove, lots of tutti unison figures for the rhythm section. The bass starts the song, 2nd X
the guitar comes in. 3rdX the rest of the band joins in. After 4 measures of the groove all the horns
start the melody in unison, which doesn't last long. A couple tutti figures making space for a rhythm
section unison tutti. Repeat. Horns in octaves for the bridge. Open solos. After the solos is a rockin'
horn soli. [A][B] Ending.
Sushiman Sivaman
Quarter Note = 84 Funk in 3 
Bari and bass starts the pattern off, horns join in, guitar & drums, and finally the band all together.
G13-C9 groove is established. Trumpet, alto and tenor play the melody, the other horns play background
2ndX only. A couple measure interlude into a new groove for the trombone melody and ad-lib. As the
trombone noodles, the bass starts the intro riff again leading to the open solos. Sax solo last, on
cue goes on soloing over different changes. [A][B] to the ending vamp sax solo. The rhythm section
fades out as sax keeps wailing. Sax open cadenza. Band tutti figure for the ending.
Theme From Dr. Hip
Quarter Note = 98 Funky 8th note feel 
Trumpet2, alto sax and tenor sax cover the 16th note melody, alto, tenor and guitar start the bridge until
all the horns jump in. The first 3 horns play the last [A] before the Open solos, tenor sax solos last and
continues on to the bridge. Finger-busting Breckerish interlude for trumpet 2 & alto before returning to
the head played by the same horns that started the tune. Horns join up for the bridge to the key change
for the ending.
You're Burnin' Man!
Half Note = 94 Samba 
Nice Samba, the melody starts with flute (alto sax), trumpet in harmon mute and guitar. Tutti sections with drums
fills. Tenor, trombone and guitar play the melody. Sax melody soli followed by unison trumpets melody. Tutti band
figures with drum fills. Open trumpet 2 & alto solos. Extra measure added as pickup to tutti horns. Again guitar
plays with the alto sax.
Big Band Originals
5 Saxes, 4 Trumpets/Flugels, 4 Trombones, Keyboard, Guitar, Bass, Drums
Half Note = 104 Fast Swing 
Two different versions of this up-tempo tune.
1. The traditional big band version where different sections play with and against each other. Starts with unison saxes while the brass/rhythm play stop-time.
Features a tenor break/solo, opt trumpet & trombone solos. Drum solo. 16 measures where the rhythm drops out and the horns take over. The bridge builds into
a key change and the final shout chorus.
Trumpet 1 up to written E.
2. The non-traditional features 3 horns, Trumpet, Tenor Sax & Trombone. The rest of the band plays second fiddle to the trio. The trio play the melody,
solos and take the lead during the acapella section. The trio also plays the shout chorus with support from the rest of the band.
Trumpet 1 up to written E.
And Daisy Makes 5
Quarter Note = 83. Bossa-ish, Samba-ish 
Starts out with a pretty solo trombone melody over the bossa beat. The second "A" section trumpet 2 and alto 2 play give and take with the
trombone. Saxes play the melody on the bridge. Guitar takes over playing the written melody. The drums join in and the tenor starts
soloing until a grinding halt at the railroad tracks. Rubato-ish with guitar playing the only accompaniment as 3 muted trumpets and
1 muted trombone play the melody. The saxes take over again still without the drums. The drums join in with a 16th samba-ish feel as
the tenor solos. The solo builds until the shout chorus with half the band playing a tutti figure while the other half plays the melody.
The shout chorus follows with the first trumpet shining.
Trumpet 1 up to written E.
Annie Speaks
Quarter Note = 68. Easy pop/funk. 
Pretty Soprano sax (tenor 1) melody feature, only a short ad-lib at end vamp. After a short intro the horns play acapella
backing up the solo melody of the soprano sax (tenor 1). Soprano sax plays the melody throughout the song. Many parts of
the song the band is playing tutti under the soprano lead. Open 2 measure vamp before the end for the soprano. Trumpets
play flugels.
Camille's Cookin'
Quarter Note = 97 Funky 
The song starts out with the saxes playing the melody acapella for the first 4 measures, the rhythm joins for the second 4.
On the bridge the rhythm section and saxes plays tutti rhythmic figures as the brass play a line over the top. This time
the brass section plays the [A] section before the Open Solos. A little tricky section during each solo where the band
plays and holds a couple chords directed by the soloist. Short drum solo before the acapella horn soli. Key change for
the [A] section, the saxes play the melody while the brass play tutti rhythmic figures on the bridge. A blow for the horns.
Trumpet 1 up to written high Eb.
Chop Check
Quarter Note = 86 Funk ala Tower of Power. 
Starts with funky guitar comping to set the grove. Saxes take the A section, the bridge breaking up into little groups of instruments
leading back into the A section. The tenor sax starts his solo with a number of held chords leading into a 2 measure break where he
sets the tempo. Sax solos through a couple chords, couple different backgrounds. Unison lick for the band leads into a screaming
guitar solo. Back to the melody and the bridge before a key change to the end.
Trumpet 1 up to written F.
Quarter Note = 108 Med. Swing 
3rd trombone feature, written for Bill Watrous. Trombone starts the tune and sets the tempo. Dominant 7 chords going through the
circle of 4ths. Trombone solos over F blues, open solos over Bb blues. After the solos the trombone once again plays the melody
to the end. Fun & easy to play.
Trumpet 1 to High C.
Cottonwood Station
Quarter Note = 84 Laid Back In The Pocket Funk 
Gmi7-C9. Soprano (alto) feature. Flugels & trombones background to soprano melody. Trumpets w/Harmon mute
on bridge. switch back to flugel. More soprano melody. Soprano, trumpet 2 & guitar melody before open soprano
solo. More soprano melody. Soprano ad-lib over unison altos & trumpets 3&4. Build to a short shout
chorus before ending vamp.
Trumpet 1 up to high B.
Quarter Note = 62 Bluesy Funk 
4 measure intro with the trombones sets the groove. Trumpet, alto, tenor and trombone play bluesy 16th note melody over
altered blues with the other horns horns playing some background punches. Intro. Bridge goes through the circle of 4ths
with the brass hitting a few kicks as the saxes play together. Intro. Repeat. The second time 4 measures of saxes over
tutti hits by the rest of the band. Open for solos over D blues. Sax section melody with brass backgrounds on the
interlude before a DS. Coda like intro with a couple measure ending.
Trumpet up to written C
Funkfully Yours
Quarter Note = 124 Funky 
The song is made up of 6 measure phrases. Bass starts out acapella, the next 6 measures the guitar joins. Another six measures the
drums & organ join in. The saxes play the melody over the next two 6 measure phrases with the brass adding a few hits. The bridge
has a couple tricky spots. Saxes and trumpets play together with the trombones giving support. Coming out of the bridge the trumpet
starts soloing, then the trumpet solos over "bass only" for 6 measures before the guitar joins in, etc. A 6 measure trombone
section soli. Guitar solos over a more traditional 4 measure phrase, a second 4 measure phrase with horn backgrounds. An 8
measure phrase with rhythm section stop-time as the unison trumpets play in the empty space leading into a key change. A 6
measure phrase with the trombones and tenor saxes starting the phrase and end up all playing. 4 measure phrase tenor solo.
Short shout section to the end.
Trumpet up to written High D
Funky Monkey Business
Quarter Note = 53 Fusion Funk 16ths 
Starts with bari, bass and guitar (+drums) playing the bass line together. The 2nd time the alto, tenor and tumpet
enter with the melody. Lots of 16th notes with some occasional outside voicings. The 3rd X the rest of the band
enters with background figures. The bridge gets even busier for the trumpet and alto, the other horns join in the
end of the phrase. Another [A] section like before. Open solos. Each solo is concert Dmi blues(ish) and includes
both a funky repeated section and a double X swing feel repeated section. Bridge like before. [A] section with
a few changes and an ending. A challenge for the 3 horns
Trumpet 1 up to written E.
Julia, the 6th & Final One
Quarter Note = 80 Funk 16ths 
Lots of 16ths. After a 2 measure intro that repeats later in the tune, the horns play the first [A] acapella. 2nd [A] Rhythm play
tutti, saxes play busy line over rhythm section with a few hits from the brass. Breckerish interlude with both alto saxes and 2nd
trumpet. Open solos for alto 1, trumpet 2 and trombone 1. Sax solos over vamp at end. Not for the note squeamish!
Trumpet 1 up to written High E
Jumpin' Frank Flash
Quarter Note = 200 Bluesy shuffle 
Altered 12 bar blues. The saxes take the first shot at the melody, the 2nd time the brass has hits. Trumpet 2 solos over the bridge.
The bridge is a trumpet solo with some background figures. Back to the [A] melody like before. Tenor break. Open tenor solo on C
blues. Another tenor break into the last 8 of his solo. Sax soli with some brass figures. Back to the [A] section, the tenor solos
over the bridge this time. Anotehr [A] section. The key changes for the sax soli. Another key change, a couple more shout choruses
to finish the song. A bit of a blow at the end for the horns.
Trumpet 1 up to written High E (opt. F).
Phat Sushi
Quarter Note = 82 Funky 
Starts with the rhythm guitar. The melody is played by Trumpet 2, Alto 1 and Tenor 1, the rest of the band is split up into
groups. The rhythm section has unison licks to play. The bridge is played by unison trumpets while the rest of the band
plays tutti rhythmic figures beneath the trumpets. Tenor sax solos up to the Open Solos section. The band breaks up into
groups again as the melody is reinstated. Once again unison trumpets take the bridge breaking into the shout chorus. 4
measure vamp that the Tenor sax solos over until the final band tutti figure.
Trumpet 1 up to written Eb
Samba De Elena
Half Note = 102 Samba 
Tenor, Flugel and Trombone take the melody at the beginning. Flutes (Altos) and flugels come in the 2nd X. The bridge is handled
by the sax section. A lot of nice sounds and textures. The three horns are responsible for the solos and a lot of the melody.
Trumpet 1 up to written F
Trumpet 1 up to written F
Show Theme
Quarter Note = 112 Easy Smooth Jazzish 
8ths. A teev theme song waiting for the right show, catchy little melody. Alto has short melody on the bridge. Full band to the Tenor solo.
The arrangement builds through a couple key changes to the end.
Trumpet 1 up to written D
Stealin' My Money
Quarter Note = 152 Rock-ish funk, 8ths. 
The song starts with a 4 measure phrase that repeats through-out the tune. Trumpets and saxes split up the
melody in the first A section, trumpets 8va (written high C) the 2nd X. The bridge and interlude rock by
leading up to the open solo section. Alto 1, Tenor 1, Trumpet 2 and Trombone 2 have changes. Trumpet
section soli on the bridge after the solos. [A][B] Ending.
Trumpet 1 up to written E, lots of Ds.
Still Chop Checkin'
Quarter Note = 86 Funky 16ths 
Continuing where Chop Check left off. After an intro much like the original Chop Check, an Alto, tenor & trumpet take the beginning melody.
The other horns join in on the second X through the [A] section. The song mellows as the trombone plays the melody. The same 3 horns together
again on the melody to the Open Solos for Alto, tenor, trumpet, trombone. 2 Tenors & 2 trombones play an interlude to the Trumpet solo.
After the solo the sax section plays the melody. Again on the bridge the band breaks down, the sax section plays the bridge as the rest
of the band sneaks in. Key change. A little bit of Chop Check from the brass section. The brass section continues with the melody as
the sax section fills in the empty beats. The song ends with chop check.
Trumpet 1 up to written Db
Sushi Man, Siva Man
Quarter Note = 84 Funk in 3 
G13-C9 bluesy feel. The saxes led, the brass followed. A 2 measure turnaround finger twister for the saxes.The groove changes and Trombone
2 has a tricky melody. The band holds and fades, the trombone noodles and the bass starts playing into the open solos section.
Tenor has the last solos and solos over the bridge chords. The melody is repeated with the band to the end vamp. The rhythm section
fades out while the soloing sax keeps wailing. The rhythm section eventually fades out, leaving the sax to solo acapella. After
the tenor is finished the band plays a couple.
Trumpet 1 up to written E
Wax On, Wax Off
Quarter Note = 108 Pop Funk Smooth Jazz 8ths 
Fun easy arrangement. Semi-Trumpet feature. Open solos. The song starts with trumpet solo melody. Brass
take the melody next and saxes take the melody on the bridge. Brass takes the [A] melody. Open solos.
Brass take the melody again. The saxes take the final [A] section. Key change into a vamp for the trumpet
to solo over. Band plays a tutti lick to end.
Trumpet 1 up to written D
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out
Quarter Note = 112 Popish Smooth Jazz 8ths 
Trumpet feature. The trumpet starts the melody the 2nd X the other horns play various backgrounds. The trumpet
continues the melody on the bridge until the saxes plays a couple measures until the trumpet finishes the
melody. The trumpet continues on the next [A] melody, the brass finish up the melody. Open Solos for Tenor 1,
trumpet 2 and trombone 2. Trumpet again plays the [A] melody. Sax section plays the bridge. Trumpet solo
plays the last [A]. Trumpet ad-lib over the band till the end.
Trumpet 1 up to written E, Solo trumpet to A top of staff
You're Burnin' Man
Half Note = 94 Samba 
Nice Samba, the melody starts with flute (alto sax), trumpet in harmon mute and guitar. Tutti sections with drums fills. Tenor,
trombone and guitar play the melody. Sax melody soli followed by unison trumpets melody. Tutti band figures with drum fills.
Open trumpet 2 & alto solos. Extra measure added as pickup to tutti horns. Again guitar plays with the alto sax.
Nothing But Saxes
Various size sax ensembles. Basicially, for each song there are 2 sax sections, one for the "rhythm section" and one for the melody. And a bari
duplicating the part of the bass guitar.
Sax examples by Frank Villafranca, www.saxappealpublishing.com
Camille's Cookin'
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Quarter Note = 97 Funky 
(Soprano, 3 altos, 5 tenors, bari)
Saxes saxes and more saxes. The song starts out with the harmonized saxes playing the melody acapella for the first 4 measures,
the "rhythm section" saxes set the groove the second 4. On the bridge the "rhythm section" plays tutti rhythmic figures as three
of the other saxes play a line over the top. A repeat of the [A] section with all the saxes before the Open Solos. A little
tricky section during each solo where the band plays and holds a couple chords directed by the soloist. Acapella (no "rhythm
section") horn soli. Key change for the [A] section and bridge.
Chop Check
Quarter Note = 86 Funk ala Tower of Power 
(Soprano, 3 altos, 5 tenors, bari)
Saxes saxes and more saxes. The song starts out with the harmonized saxes playing the melody acapella for the first 4 measures,
the "rhythm section" saxes set the groove the second 4. On the bridge the "rhythm section" plays tutti rhythmic figures as three
of the other saxes play a line over the top. A repeat of the [A] section with all the saxes before the Open Solos. A little
tricky section during each solo where the band plays and holds a couple chords directed by the soloist. Acapella (no "rhythm
section") horn soli. Key change for the [A] section and bridge.
Funk In A Different Key
Quarter Note = 90 Funky 
(Soprano, 3 altos, 4 tenors, bari)
The saxes play a four measure phrase interspersed between a 4 measure "E" funk groove each time in a different key. Each time playing more of
the total phrase, the last time played the saxes play the complete phrase. Each "E" section is a different soloist. After all the solos are
over, the saxes join together for the complete phrase. A short bridge which plays the complete phrase. More of showcase for soloists.
Funkfully Mine
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Quarter Note = 124 Funky Boogaloo 
(Soprano, 3 altos, 4 tenors, bari)
After a brief 5 second band noodle and a hit on beat 1, the song starts with bari and the melody saxes playing together. The bari has a lot of notes by
himself throughout the tune. The main melody starts with the alto, alto and tenor sax. The same 3 saxes together on the bridge. 4 measure groove. Open
solos. Bari and melody saxes once again play the melody while the other saxes play stop-time. All saxes playing [A]. Bridge. Key change with the melody
saxes and bari only, a couple more measures to the end.
Funkfully Yours
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Quarter Note = 124 Funky 
(Soprano, 4 altos, 4 tenors, bari)
After a brief 5 second band noodle and a hit on beat 1, the song starts with bari and the melody saxes playing together. The bari has a lot of notes by
himself throughout the tune. The main melody starts with the alto, alto and tenor sax. The same 3 saxes together on the bridge. 4 measure groove. Open
solos. Bari and melody saxes once again play the melody while the other saxes play stop-time. All saxes playing [A]. Bridge. Key change with the melody
saxes and bari only, a couple more measures to the end.
Funkin' In Altadena
Quarter Note = 152 Rockish Funk 8ths 
(Soprano, 3 altos, 4 tenors, bari)
The groove is a rhythmic/chordal 4 measure pattern (with the 4th measure being a 5/4 measure) that repeats throughout the piece.
Alto, alto and tenor team up on the melody with backgrounds the 2nd X. Bluesy bridge with soprano, alto and alto. Open solos. A
funky interlude after the solos before going back to the original groove and melody. A short repeat with the saxes screaming
to the end. Ends softly
Kidlette's Revenge
Quarter Note = 70 Funky, 16ths 
(Soprano, 3 altos, 4 tenors, bari)
The groove is a rhythmic/chordal 4 measure pattern (with the 4th measure being a 5/4 measure) that repeats throughout the piece.
Alto, alto and tenor team up on the melody with backgrounds the 2nd X. Bluesy bridge with soprano, alto and alto. Open solos. A
funky interlude after the solos before going back to the original groove and melody. A short repeat with the saxes screaming
to the end. Ends softly
Phat Sushi
Quarter Note = 82 Funky 16ths 
(2 Sopranos, 4 altos, 4 tenors, bari)
Starts with the "rhythm section" playing a guitar like 4 measure pattern without the bari and 4 measures with the bari to set the groove.
The melody is played by the melody saxes, in and out of harmony and unisons. A few new notes [A] the 2ndX. The "rhythm section" has unison
licks to play. The bridge is played by unison/octave saxes while the rest of the saxes plays tutti rhythmic figures beneath the melody.
Alto sax solos up to the tenor solo section. [A] melody is reinstated. Once again unison/octave saxes take the bridge breaking into the
shout chorus. 4 measure vamp that the alto and tenor trade 4's until the final band tutti figure.
Sneakin' Out Of Camarillo
Quarter Note = 72 70's Funk 
(Soprano, 3 altos, 4 tenors, bari)
Very loosely based on Charlie Parkers "Relaxin @ Camarillo." C Blues.
The song starts with the "rhythm section" having tutti hits while the melody saxes fill the space. A couple measures to set the
groove and it's off to the melody. Alto and tenor play the melody together, the 2ndX the soprano and alto join together for
the background. The alto and tenor play the melody on the bridge with the soprano and alto playing backgrounds. Alto, alto
and tenor combine for the melody leading to the open C blues solo. Another section of tutti rhythm section as the alto, alto
and tenor play in the empty space. Back to the first melody with the alto and tenor while the soprano and tenor play the
background. A little bit of the intro and the song ends on a high note.
Sorry Scotty
Quarter Note = 80 
(Soprano, 3 altos, 4 tenors, bari)
This song is a little different in that there is no repeating of the melody, each measure (except the ad-lib section) is a measure of new melody.
The song starts with the alto sax playing a rubato-ish melody with the piano. The alto and tenor join in and it's on through a few different
grooves and tonal centers. The groove changes to something a little funkier. Ad-lib. A short 3 sax soli before another change of groove, key
and new melody. Alto, alto and tenor play the melody until a solo tenor melody. More melody with the melody saxes. "Rhythm section" tutti
figures with sax unison fills. More notes until the end.
Stealin' My Money
Quarter Note = 152 Rockish funk St. 8ths 
(2 Sopranos, 4 altos, 4 tenors, bari)
Good rock groove, lots of tutti unison figures. The bari and low tenors start the song, 2nd X the melody saxes come in.
After 4 measures of the groove the horns start the melody in unison, which doesn't last long. A couple tutti
figures making space for a rhythm section unison tutti. Repeat. Horns in octaves for the bridge. Alto and tenor
solos. After the solos is a rockin' sax soli. [A][B] Ending.